The Travels of Vince, Devin & Grant

permalinkBoston, Italy, Brussels, Oh My!
April 30, 2008

Following the title of this blog, we just got back from another big trip. For the past week and a half Devin has been hanging out with JoJo and Grandpa in Boston, while his parents jaunted off to Sorrento, Italy for my cousin John's wedding. Dropping off Devin and getting the last frequent flier seats available left us with an insane travel schedule, including 13 separate train, plane, and automobile rides on the way home through Brussels, but it was worth it. Besides the wedding, highlights included Pompei, Capri, Positano, and a soccer match. A full journal of our trip with pictures is available here.

Of course, Devin had grown and developed so much by the time we picked him back up in Boston. He's bigger and stronger, and can sit up by himself now. He's not crawling yet, but keeps getting closer, and can just about pull himself to a standing position. To top it off, he got Quinn's cold, which coupled with Jonalyn & I getting sick from so much partying in Italy, led to a sniffly plane flight home.

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