The Travels of Vince, Devin & Grant

July 08, 2010

We had our first visit to the ER this Thursday. We noticed some swelling* on Devin, so we called his doctor to see if we should check it out. Normally they tell us to wait a couple days and see if it gets better, but this time said "how about coming in at 10:45". We dropped of Grant at day care on our way to the doctor's office. When we get in, he takes a quick look, pokes around, and says "you should go to the ER right now and have them check this out", not the best words for a parent to hear. Fortunately, it was right across the street, so we got over there and into a bed pretty quickly. But, due to a combination of standard hospital efficiency, and a standard two year-old's tolerance for hospitals and tests, we ended up waiting there for 4 hours before finding out it was harmless. All in all, it made for not the most enjoyable day, but with two boys, I'm sure it's not going to be our last ER trip.


* you don't want to know

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