The Travels of Vince, Devin & Grant

permalinkDevin's first Christmas!
December 25, 2007

What a day! After a late night of unpacking and wrapping presents, it started early with cousin Eamon opening up a virtual treasure trove of gifts, highlighted with a big train table. Of course, everybody else got lots of great gifts as well, but we can't compete with Eamon starting to understand the concept of Christmas.

After presents, Devin got his first taste of solid food. Brown rice cereal with squash. Mmmmm! He took it down well, much better than the bland white rice he tried later in the day.

Finally, we went to Aunt Pat's for the Mulligan family Christmas party and yankee swap. When you have the Mulligan's around, you're guaranteed a good time, and tonight did not disappoint. By the time we got home, we were exhausted from such a long day, and went to bed right away.

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